Wednesday, November 4, 2009

ah, well

The first thing I thought this morning was not, 'Aaah, I really needed those ten-and-a-half hours of sleep. I was beyond exhausted last night.' No, it was, 'Oh, man, I didn't post anything last night!'

So, ah well. That was short-lived. Back to posting as usual, which might just be less pressure. That's okay with me. Maybe next year.

Anyhow, here're yesterday's items for donation:

These are all extra copies, which is exactly what happens when I don't catalogue my books (of course, then I'd have to take the list with me every time I left my apartment). I am still missing seven and twelve (The Penultimate Peril, I now have on hold at the library). I'm not loving these books, but I was really hoping to. They read so quickly though, that I just want to get through the series.


Kat said...

I hated having the whole pressure of posting on me. It is silly really, I mean it's my blog. I signed up for it, and yet, the pressure.

I love the idea of you carrying around your library catalogue everywhere you go. Remember the fancy booklet thing Rasmussen brought to class that one day? Ah, that was awesome.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'll buy those books off of you if you still have them. I've only read the first one.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and as for NaBloPoMo, you did better than me. I forgot the first day. Ah, well!

kate said...

Just a moment...I'm picking my jaw up off the floor at the very idea that anyone ever gets 10.5 hours of sleep! :) I know just what you mean though-- I took two days off and felt so guilty (which is silly, I know, but still)... I've not read any of those books, but I'm tempted just for the covers alone;)