Sunday, November 29, 2009

'a total jane nerd fest': an invitation

Ms Kat is inviting us to join her in reading Jane Austen. We're starting off with Sense and Sensibility, which, it turns out, I've never read. I finally started reading it last night, but I was dead tired and had to put it down and drift off to sleep on the couch...before Pic even went to bed. (It could have been our two-and-a-half hour walk in the chilly chilliness yesterday in all of our layers and layers of clothing. But, it was good to finally get outside as a family again now that Cardo is feeling better.)

So, I will eventually be posting some more about what I'm reading, but I'm only about twenty pages in at the moment. See the comments on the Kat's Meow post I linked to above for the discussion thus far.

Happy reading!