Monday, December 28, 2009

i resolve

I resolve

-- to eat better this week. By yesterday, I had pretty much given up on last week, although I didn't do my worst eating ever last week. I'm slowly getting better about this.

-- to vacuum at least once this week. Now, if I can get that done today, I'll be set. We'll see.

-- to post a bit more often. It feels weird to take three days off, but I was wrapped up in fun stuff like killer cramps and a UTI.

-- to work on career development today. I'll not be specific because I'm superstitious, but eventually I'll update on this.

These are just my resolutions for the next few days. I'll think about making resolutions for the new year (holy moly, it's coming soon!).

I hope you all had a good holiday season. Our was low-key. Even lower-key than I had planned considering I forgot our camera somewhere on Friday morning so we didn't have it when Pic opened gifts on Friday afternoon. Oops.


lotsofglue said...

Good resolves.

Sticky notes help:)

Kat said...

I am doing this too. Weekly. Monthly, Year. And longterm!

We are kindreds. Really.