Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Okay, so let's recall the day before yesterday when I was waxing on about snow. Lower-case snow. Let me refresh your memory.

Yesterday, though, we got actual snow. Please note:

Yesterday, Pic and I bundled up in so many layers of clothes that I was getting her pretty close to A Christmas Story bundled proportions on top. If only we had snow pants. We set off on a mini-trek. We only made it about fifteen minutes outside yesterday, but that was enough time for Pic to eat some snow and pack some away in the mittens that are attached to her coat. The neighbor kids were making snow angels in the back lot, but I think I might have lost Pic back there had we gone much further in. Anyhow, she wasn't much interested in being up to her mid-thighs in snow.

Today, the sun is shining, but there is still plenty of snow on the ground. Our parking lot still has a good layer of snow, although they did clear it as well as they could at some point. At least Cardo got to work in his own vehicle today. Yesterday, he left for work and then came back up to the apartment at almost the time he was to start work. 'Aren't you going to be a little late? What are you doing?' I asked him from the warmth of bed. I was still not quite awake and not really thinking that well. He told me that he had been outside for an hour, trying to get out. He left again, but ended up stuck at the entrance to the apartments. Someone helped Cardo and several other people out of that predicament. Cardo ended up calling a coworker to come to this end of town to pick him up just outside of the parking lot. It's days like yesterday that make me want to be able to buy the four-wheel-drive car we are wanting, but it'll be a while before we're in any position to do that. Also, we'd only need that car specifically a very small number of days a year. It would be nice, though.

So, now, Pic is 'resting' in her room. After that, we'll bundle up again and try another no-doubt-short walk, after which we'll come back for warm drinks to enjoy while bundled up on the couch.

It's days like these that I love to look at the snow and enjoy having it (as long as I don't have to drive in it) and that I'm also so very glad that we have a home, and a home with a working heater, especially. I don't look forward to our next power bill, but I'll think about that later.


P.S. I just checked the temperature and it's 14 degrees here. I checked earlier today and it was 7 degrees. Whoo-hoo!


Update: We made it outside for thirty minutes today. Pic was able to eat plenty of snow, one of her favorite pasttimes. We finally came back when Pic told me, 'I'm too frozen. Let's go home.'


Anonymous said...

"I'm too frozen. Let's go home."

That's too cute. :)

lotsofglue said...

Our snow melted the next morning during sunrise, and it turned into a balmy 72 degrees.

Now it is 35 degrees.

But I am sooooo glad I moved out of Montana for this reason only---- it was NEGATIVE 25 there one day this last week.(our weather guy about had a heart attack talking about it)