Tuesday, February 2, 2010

oh happy day!

Happy Groundhog Day!

This has always seemed like a silly holiday to me. Of course there are going to be six more weeks of winter. That's the way the seasons work. Thinking about it now, though, I can't really believe we've made it through half of winter already. I've been trying not to wish away the season. I love being able to get outside for extended periods of time for picnics, playing at the park and walking, but we've been making a point of getting out a lot this winter. We all experienced sledding for the first time. We're planning on ice skating sometime in the very near future. We've made snow people and snow ducks and snow faeries. And, of course, there's been walking whenever possible, even if the walks are limited to no more than fifteen or twenty minutes. Even when we have to layer on a significant amount of clothing and Pic remarks, "I'm all puffy, like a bear."

Anyhow, here's to the next six weeks of winter.

(Why don't all season have a half-way point holiday? Hmm.)