Tuesday, February 9, 2010

st valentine's day

Or something. Along with the totally cheesy ads for jewelry and flowers, I've seen some more interesting ads for Valentine's Day gifts. Two such ads are the following:

-- a billboard ad for making a date to be vaccinated against H1N1.

-- a local paper ad for giving the gift of a Brazilian wax. (And painkillers? I didn't see that included.)

We don't exchange Valentine's Day gifts, made much easier because it also happens to be Pic's birthday, but I definitely wouldn't want either of the above.


On a different note: It's Indie's birthday! Happy, happy day, Indie! I miss you and can't wait for you to one day be in the same half of the country again.


lotsofglue said...

"I love you honey, here ya go"



"You think I am hairy and sick. Thaaaanks."