Friday, March 5, 2010

on my mind

My braid here reminds me of bread. Of tasty, tasty challah, to be exact. Mmm. I'm a bit food obsessed, while trying not to be. It's not easy.


kate said...

Mmmm, challah. Yum! :)

Anonymous said...

I can relate. I cannot get HOB out of my mind. I think I'm heading there tomorrow morning.

v said...

Went there this morning. :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I went this morning, and I felt a bit cheated. You know their table for yesterday's discounted bread? Well, there was no garden herb there, although they make it on Saturdays. There was some, however, on the big bread distribution "thing" behind the counter. I asked for a loaf, commenting that I didn't know they made it on Sundays. The woman working told me, very quietly, that they didnt, that it was yesterday's bread. I still got charged the full price. What's with that??? That aside, I tried, for the very first time, their cherry turnover, and it was oh so delicious. :)

v said...

Oh, that sucks about the garden herb. I wonder what's up with that. Lately, I've only been getting either a scone or a muffin or day-old.