Monday, January 18, 2010

looking forward to...

...a Friday date.
...getting back to cooking and baking (I proposed to Cardo tonight that we only eat oatmeal for the next several days so that we only have to use a couple of dishes...we have a HUGE bag of old-fashioned oats).
...dragging Pic through some snow tomorrow (on her sled, people, I promise). newly reinstated weekly trip to HoB tomorrow.


Coach J said...

Mmmm.... HoB....

We just recently came up with a new "menu planning" calendar that rotates through 10 different types of food, with two floating leftover days. That way, we know what to shop for, but we're not always stuck with "Taco Tuesday." It's working really well thus far. Maybe I'll blog about it.

Oh, and a date night sounds awesome.

v said...

Ooh, even if you don't blog about it, I'd love to hear about it.

Also, more like date afternoon, but I'm looking forward to it.