Tuesday, January 12, 2010

things that make you go 'huh?'

I was just browsing the school district website and came across the general dress code rules. One of the rules: no single glove is to be worn at any time. The rule is listed under the heading of safety.


What am I missing here? No Michael Jackson impersonations? I don't see how that's necessarily safety-related, but it's the only thing I can come up with at the moment.


Anonymous said...

Also, does this mean students must take off both gloves at the same time?


kate said...

Ok, so now I want to look up if it means something. I have two boys in my class who wear one glove all the time and it drives me nuts. I always assumed it was because they used that hand to play tetherball and the glove provided padding or something. Of course, these are also the same two boys who are bursting out in random Michael Jackson songs so who knows. Still, silly rule.

Also, my immaturity is showing through in that my wv word is "humpus" and it made me giggle.

v said...

Okay, Poke, I'm looking forward to your field research. I'd be interested to hear what the boys say if you do, in fact, ask them about the gloves.