Tuesday, January 19, 2010

yeah, as for those plans

Okay, so I still have Friday plans and I'm still looking forward to cooking and baking (and hearing about your menu planning, Coach J), but, as for my plans for today...didn't happen.

I haven't been sleeping, again. Actually, I can't fall asleep at night and I have trouble leaving sleep in the morning. I'm hoping something will snap this trend soon. For the last couple of nights, Pic has been waking up in the middle of the dark. So, by this morning, I was in no mood to crawl out of my warm bed and drag Pic from hers to take Cardo to work so we could borrow his car. (And, he was cutting it close time wise this morning.) So, we didn't borrow the car and we didn't head over to HoB. Tomorrow, perhaps?

Also, I couldn't take Pic for a sled ride because the snow melted. Ah, well. We definitely didn't stay cooped up all day, though. We spent a good hour outside, walking over to a local park and playing with our honeys (as Pic tends to call 'babies'). When the ice-water wind started to pick up, we headed back home, but we were feeling warm again by the time we got here.

We were home for snack and resting time before heading out on our next adventure: a bus ride to Papi's work. (Pic absolutely loves to ride the bus.) We made a few stops in an attempt to find some shoes for me. I need something comfortable for walking and aerobics-type exercise, but I just can't spend seventy dollars on a pair of shoes right now, even if I assume that they will last a good year or two or three. (I'm probably cheap, but I'm also kind of mainly unemployed.) I'll take shoe suggestions -- places to buy, good sales, ecc. Please.

Given the storm scheduled to make it over the mountains for the next few days, sledding soon? Yes. Definitely.


Anonymous said...

Cheap shoes -- Ross or Big 5. (But at Big 5, be sure to try them on and walk on them a bit. I once bought a pair that I only wore two or three times because they were so uncomfortable.)

lotsofglue said...

I love the hunt for decent priced shoes. j/k
It's too cold to go barefoot and in the summer it is too hot.

(I hate shoes altogether)

I wind up trying to find stuff at Goodwill or the salvation army. Glue and paint are my best friend!!

v said...

I've been searching Goodwill and Savers, but I have huge feet that get cold too easily, so I'm very picky about them. I'd also prefer no shoes, but that's not happening right now.

And, I got new shoes. They were on clearance at The Sports Authority, I believe. Too bad it was too freaking cold for us to walk outside today.