Wednesday, May 13, 2009

blog sprint

Yesterday's One-Minute Writer prompt: Write about something you believed as a child, that you no longer believe.

Funny, because I was just thinking of what I'm about to share.

When I was really little (about Pic's age and a few years after that, I guess), I believed that all cats were girls and all dogs were boys (I definitely never thought of all cats as 'women' or 'females' and all dogs as 'men' or 'males,' just 'girls' and 'boys'). I thought they had babies together and the girls came out as cats and the boys came out as dogs. (I guess I didn't know all that much about the whole getting-pregnant process or the whole giving-birth process, because those situations could have really sucked depending on the cats and dogs involved.

I don't know when I stopped believing this, but it was probably sometime around when we got our Westie, Nicki (Nikita Zatara McTavish, to be more precise), a female dog. At least, I hope that's the case.