Tuesday, May 5, 2009

still writing

I printed out what I have and I'm trying to make sure it's arranged in a somewhat coherent and meaningful fashion. That's fun. I still need to add some explication of the quotes I have included and I need to add a few more annotations.

Anyhow, I wasn't going to share just now, but I just learned it's Karl Marx's birthday (or, y'know, it would be were he still alive). All I have to say to you right now, Karl, is 'Thanks, buddy, thanks a whole big, fat, bunch. There's no way I can avoid you (because, y'know, everyone who's written about culture after you is in some way responding to you, or so I hear) but I also don't quite understand all of what you're doing. Yeah, I get it, there's the base and there's the superstructure and something about modes of production and your relation to the market is determines your existence and all. I so need to hold a seance, grab a translator and look you up.'

Okay, back to work, g'night.