Monday, January 5, 2009

blog sprint

One Minute Writer for today: What are you waiting for?

I'm waiting by the phone...waiting for you to call me up and tell me I'm not alone.

Ha...uh, yeah, just kidding.

I'm most of the time waiting to feel like an actual grown-up. I know, I know, I've been out of high school for almost a decade and I have a kid and a sigot (significant other) of my very own. I own a car. It took me almost six years to pay it off, but, a little over a year ago, I did. I have a 'job.' I put that in quotes because I can't seem to take myself seriously. I still feel like a freakin' kid, which explains the whole thing I'm waiting for.

I'm waiting to not be so afraid of everything in life.

Oh, I'm also waiting for a time when Sleep and I are pretty good pals.

I'll have another post later, one of nostalgia and stuff, but I don't feel like writing it now. So, now, my dear three readers, you have your very own thing to wait for.

In the meantime, a ditty for you.