Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Okay, so I figured that I needed to live up to the whole food part of this here blog, so here's some food that we've recently prepared and eaten. You're welcome.

We have a tendency to buy food out to bring home. It's not like we eat out every night. (Although, honestly, sometimes I think that I'd like to eat out more often. Then, when we do, I inevitably feel like I've eaten a week's worth of meals in one evening. Ugh.) So, yes, this is part of our devious plan to prepare food at home and save a little freaking money. The genius runs in the family (even though 'runs in the family' doesn't really work in this case, of course).

Curses, foiled again. Blogger hates my pictures. I have no idea what I did to Blogger. Blogger, I sincerely apologize.

I'll try to post pictures later.

I have other things to be doing right now and I should also say that it will be blog-lite around here for the next several days. I'll elaborate more on that later. I'm off to play with the freaking picture issue for a few more minutes and then I'm off to pound my head, repeatedly, against a wall.


Edited to add:

Blogger is still not my best friend (as Pic might say), but she is allowing me to post a single, solitary picture. This was dinner last night. I got the recipe from the abfab Catherine Newman over at Dalai Mama Dishes. This is corn chowder. It just sounded good to me, and it turned out to be good, thank goodness (okay, enough of the good, I get it).

I used extra lean turkey bacon (but then had to add some olive oil because, duh, there wasn't really any fat to cook off in which to saute the celery. I skipped the onion because I'm not a fan. I also used some mysterious green dried herb from the cupboard because I didn't have thyme. At least, I think I didn't. As I said, the herb was mysterious. Oh, and because we survived, it's obvious that, yes, I can still use the half-and-half that I opened for the sweet potatoes I made for Christ-tide dinner.


Coach J said...

Ha said Christ-tide. And now I can't get Ananias out of my head.