Monday, January 5, 2009

things that make you go "hmm"...

Or, 'mmmkay??' or something. I think I'll still pass on prison, thanks. And what happens when it all fades to black? I wouldn't want to be that one 'woman.'

Also, why are Starbucks sizes 'tall,' 'grande' and 'venti?' I've been wondering this for a long time now, but I've never gotten around to asking. So, I'm asking you? Did someone not know how to say 'tall' in Italian? And, really, 'venti?' Because somehow 'twenty' (or 'winds') denotes something monstrous, so much bigger than 'grande' (which I keep saying aloud, complete with the trilling of the 'r'). Why not 'dodici,' 'dicisei' and 'venti,' hmm? Why not 'small,' 'medium' and 'large?' Why not? [I know, you come here for the really important issues.]

I love the end of this video with John Goodman's voiceover (well, or someone else who sounds much like him). Because, y'know, 'latte' is English. Wait, what's that? Oh.


Coach J said...

They were taking about the whole "venti" thing in a movie recently and revealed that a venti is twenty ounces. Makes sense, I suppose, but I'm cool with small, medium, and large.