Thursday, March 5, 2009


Pilates makes me crave chocolate. I swear, every day when I finish my pilates routine, I want chocolate. This is so counterintuitive...I guess my body's just not thinking, there is some miscommunication between my reasoning (which rarely wins out in conscious debates) and my impulses. What is that about?

Speaking of chocolate, though (mmm). I recently bought Safeway's O (organic line) Hot Chocolate mix. Actually, because I am wooed by Safeway's sales, I bought two (it was a two for $5 deal). I was thinking along these lines, "Hey, Safeway's really close to here so I could buy hot chocolate mix often. Hey, this is cheaper than the hot chocolate mix I get at Trader Joe's [if only it were possible to have a love affair with a place...].' Guess what, though. I don't like the Safeway O (oh, no!) hot chocolate. It's too weirdly creamy with too much of a vanilla flavor. I get the fair-trade dark hot chocolate mix and the organic mint hot chocolate mix at Trader Joe's and the flavors of both are so...clean? crisp? I can't define it exactly, but they are not thick. So, now I have a whole big bunch of Safeway brand hot chocolate mix left over, unless...

So, this seems like one of those times when someone says, "Blech*, this tastes like dead people's feet....Taste it!" But, I contest that it's not one of those moments. If you like creamier hot chocolate (and if you live very near me or if I will be seeing you in the somewhat near future), the unopened container is yours. Let me know.


* I don't know that anyone actually says 'blech,' but there you have it. I have scripted it as such.


P.S. Speaking of chocolate (I just capitalized that, and I suppose it is deserving, so...Chocolate), there is a kid's book, The Chocolate Touch, in which the author, Patrick Skene Catling, uses description fabulously. I'd bring it in for teaching 'show, don't tell' in one of my classes except I don't think my students would take well to me bringing in a book I read to Pic when she was three-and-a-half. [We have an older edition of this book...and this is where ISBNs come in handy for quickly identifying the exact book (I knew I had a reason...except if the book is too old, there might not be an ISBN, but I digress).]


Anonymous said...

I always know it's well past my bedtime when I find everything deliciously funny and cause me incessant laughter. (I like, by the way, word combinations such as "deliciously funny" because they, too, make me laugh.) I found part of your post giggle-licious. I don't remember. As I started typing, I meant to tell you what I found funny, but as I continued typing, I realized that I have no idea why I was laughing while I read your post...

Anyway, I love creamy hot chocolate, but I'm not sure I like a strong vanilla taste. (Aha! I found your description of "crisp" chocolate quite amusing. Tee hee. --> By the way, I don't know anyone who actually says "tee hee," but Cassie actually says "blech".)

Coach J said...

I just a a chocolate chip cookie, so this was a timely reading for me. And now I'm thinking about the movie "Like Water for Chocolate" (one of my favs). And "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." I could go on...

Chocolate on the brain never ends well...

Coach J said...

oops...I was eating a chocolate chip cookie, I did not become one.

And your word verification is "bramuzzel." Sounds painful. Do they sell those at Victoria's Secret?