Thursday, March 26, 2009

up all night

I have somehow almost managed to forget that I only got two-and-a-half hours of sleep last night. I was writing in my journal and formulating new questions about the presentation I saw yesterday and the book I've been reading for one of my classes (same awesome scholar on both works).

I'm not going to go into much detail here now (and perhaps I'll never get around to it, like I never told you about our most recent trip to Monterey or Poke's visit or my sister's dream that I'm pregnant...WHICH I'M NOT), but my interest was sparked and then the bellows were squeezed* and my enthusiasm became a raging campfire (I don't think it's quite reached bonfire levels yet).

I love moments like these, when I have a renewed passion for what it is that I am proposing spending the rest of my life dedicated to (aside from living beings, certo). So, I'm going to rest and then toil away il quest weekend and emerge in the next few weeks/months as a more rested, normal-seeming person.


I wanted that conjugation to come out 'squozen' (long 'o'). Can I just have that? Please?