Wednesday, March 11, 2009

sleep deprivation

When I only get about three hours of sleep every other night, things are bound to go wrong, right?

When I was growing up, there were times when my younger sister and I had to get up when it was still dark so Mom could take us to the sitter's or to daycare. The night before, we'd pack our backpacks and our lunchboxes (my lunchbox being a dark pink plastic Barbie and the Rockers Thermos version). We'd lay out our clothes. We'd set the table with bowls, spoons and cereal boxes. We'd fill the cream pitchers with milk and leave them in the refrigerator. In the morning, everything was good to go.

I'm still pretty much like this. I pack mine and Pic's lunches the night before (okay, so it's usually around one, the morning of) and most of the time I'll lay out my clothes. (Pic's clothes are still pretty much hung up by the outfit, so we can usually just grab a clothing-laden hanger and a pair of socks and be set.) I definitely make sure to pack my fifty pounds worth of school paraphernalia*. Until the no-longer-wee hours of this morning, I was reading for class. Before I dozed off, I made sure to get up and put my book with my school stuff...or so I thought. This morning, as is usual for Wednesdays, Pic and I were somewhat rushed in getting out of the apartment and I didn't recheck my bag before I left. On the walk up to school today (I drive, but I have to walk to my building), I was quickly rooting through my bag and I couldn't find my book. I freaked out for a moment, rearranged my whole day and then grumbled all the way up to the building about, 'How can my friggin' backpack way so friggin' much if my book isn't here?'

Long story brought to an abrupt halt: My book was in my bag. It's just that I carry so much other crap that I actually didn't see it in there. (This is my tote that I carry in addition to my backpack. And, today, in addition to my purse. That's another fun story. The night before class, I always take the pertinent items out of my purse and put them with my school stuff so I don't have to carry my purse, but as I was getting Pic and myself into the car today, I realized that my perfectly pointless purse was in my freaking hand.)

Spring Break, oh how I crave your pseudo-laid-back goodness.

Now, I'm off to read.


* This is the spelling that Blogger's spellcheck gave me, but I'm somewhat suspect that the second 'r' belongs. It just looks funny. Is it a silent 'r'? Mayhap, this is another side effect of my lack of sleep: I can no longer distinguish whether words are real or some sort of weird muppet-sounding words. Meh-nom-meh-nah.

This part made Pic laugh aloud uncontrollably and therefore I love it even more (than I did the week before...).