Sunday, March 15, 2009

ennui; or, the black bile dominates

I'm...waiting for things to happen. I'm slowly getting along. In the meantime...

Today, I got fed up with the general stuck-insideness that has been the past few days. Pic and I went for a walk. We went to one of the parks we've frequented since she was much more wee than she is today. It was a bit cold and the wind didn't help, but we donned our jackets and braved the outside world...and it was worth it. Pic has been suffering from cabin fever so badly that if she knew how to type, I'm sure I'd catch her in here, in the middle of the night, typing forth 'All work and no play makes Pic a dull girl.'

We didn't spend much time outside, but it was enough. It is so incredibly easy, at this point, to make my child happy. Being able to make her happy so easily brings me to tears (okay, so everything brings me to tears, I know). I know it won't always be this easy. Sometimes, it isn't this easy, even. But I want to hold on to these times, I don't want to take them for granted.

I haven't yet even had an actual day off for 'Spring' Break, so expect the sappiness, melancholy and reflecting to continue.

In the meantime, this is what I've been listening to repeatedly as I catch up on reading my news stories here on the Superhighway. It's Brad Paisley's 'Broken in Two.' This is the first I've heard of Paisley, but I think I'll check out what else he's got out there (someday).