Friday, March 20, 2009

happy spring!

Spring has sprung. There has been much outside time had by myself and various companions* (and many, many others, no doubt...duh). I'm feeling a bit happier, a bit more relaxed.

[I got this image from Google Images, but it's originally from this site. I love mandalas.]

Happy Vernal Equinox! We took Pic for a trike ride to the park and back and then we went out for dinner. I think we should plant something to celebrate. Perhaps we'll try planting little beans in our yogurt cups (we already ate the yogurt...I'm not that inept when it comes to plants). This will be an experiment in how long it takes me to kill them. Poor, unsuspecting beans.

Now, I need to jump back into reading Paradise Lost. It's nice and cheery, what with the fiery lakes and the incest and all. (I'm only two books in.)


* Take that, active voice!