Thursday, June 11, 2009

beginnings, endings and...abrupt endings

Okay, I just realized that I never actually posted the end of the 'beginnings, endings and possible false-starts' entry. I don't know how I managed to lose it in the transfer. It's there now.

I've had a sketchy interweb connection for a few days, but I think I've got it figured out now.

Just a couple of Pic-related things to share and then off to finish Deathly Hallows for me.

Earlier, Pic walked up to me and announced, 'There's just one thing.'

'What one thing,' I asked.

'There's just one thing I have to tell you...I used to be a chicken.'

Of course! That explains...well, nothing, really, but it might be handy information in the future.

Earlier than that, as I was reading The Berenstain Bears Go to Camp, I was reading Grizzly Bob's part and Pic suddenly said, 'That's just like Papa!' I looked at her a bit confused and she told me, 'That's just like Papa's voice!'

Apparently I need to work on my range of bear voices.

Okay, that's all for now. I have a lot of blog reading to catch up on and then I have to finish my book.