Monday, June 22, 2009

still sorting through the years of piled-up crap

So, today in further sorting through the huge piles of paperwork and such that have accumulated in our offices/libraries over the years, here are a couple of things I've found.

Yet another credit card that I never activated. It expired over a year ago. Yes, as you can tell, we use our credit cards ALL OF THE TIME.

A statement for Pic's bank account addressed to Pic B/A minor by Cardo B. Really? 'A minor by....' What a weird phrase. I think they should address it something like, 'Pic B/The fruit of Cardo B's loins'. Or, 'Pic B/A product of the sperm of Cardo B and the egg of v B'.

Yes, apparently I need to remove myself from the piles of junk now...I'm getting loopy.