Wednesday, June 3, 2009

music video hell

I don't watch music television. In fact, I'm pretty sure we have no access to music television (barring the interweb, of course, and I haven't checked). I'll occasionally watch videos online, but mainly, I listen to the music while I have another window open so I can read blogs.

Anyhow, I've never been much of a fan of music videos. At least not mainstream videos. Often, they're disturbing. I don't need to see mainly naked women being sold as fantasies (yes, this makes it hard to watch television and movies and read magazines, ecc, I know).

I came across the following video today (I didn't watch the longer video, just what I'm embedding below) and now, I'm even more glad that this is not my scene. I even more want to protect Pic from this supposedly cool culture. Right now, I'm battling the princess frenzy, but soon enough, this is what she'll have to face (I'm hoping not too soon, but I have no real clue just how early kids are introduced to this crap now).

Before you watch this video, if you do, I have to warn you that it makes me physically ill. Nauseated. Especially the end.

I got this here. "Dreamworlds 3: Desire, Sex & Power in Music Video"