Saturday, November 8, 2008

...and even more books

Okay, sorry about the brevity of that last post. I just needed to rush of to take the test.

The Grassroots booksellers/bookstore thing is having a sale this, next and the next weekends. They are at 1200 S Rock. They've got new and used books, cds, dvds and audiobooks. We went today after the above-mentioned test. We got a bunch more kids books, including some in a set I remember from when I was a kid (I'll have to get back to you on what it is...the books are still in the car), There's a Nightmare in My Closet and Are You There God, It's Me Margaret?, including others.

I got some generic literature anthology and Cardo got a couple of books also. I'll have to count them up later.

The Friends of the Washoe County Library sale is ongoing right this very moment (at the time I'm typing...I can't guarantee the time you're reading, certo). Today is the half-off day. We were going to go, but Cardo's pissy about his car, so we had to come home so he could work on it. We will go early tomorrow (no days to sleep in this weekend? NOOOO!) for the $6-a-bag day. Let's see where that sale is located. Hmm...5205 Mill St. That sale ends tomorrow.

Happy book buying!