Monday, November 24, 2008

i don't care if monday's blue...

...okay, so actually I do. Mondays are hard to get through. I never get enough sleep before I face my really long day. Ugh.

So...on with the random stuff.

This morning, Cardo woke me up by saying, "Mami, it's 6:48." Crap on a stick. We scurried around just as we usually do in the way too early mornings and got to everywhere we needed to be on time. I'll be glad when January rolls around.

While I was rushing around this morning, I, for whatever reason, decided that I'd wear some of my white socks today. Actually, I know the reason. My white socks are thicker than my colored socks and I wanted my feet to be warm enough today. My shoes are light brownish and reminiscent of Mary Janes (much more functional than cute, mind you), so a good part of my sock was not covered by either my pants legs or my shoes. Every time I looked down, I noticed a flash of white. "Hey there, nice bright white sock, how's it going? Oh, look, there's your mate." [You have to sing this next part.] "White socks, white socks, very, very white socks." Yeah...too little sleep equals a very easily-distracted me.

The Saints are right now beating the pants off of the Packers (this is not a literal description of events and thanks be that that is true).

As I was sitting in the Starbucks chatting with Peecho, er, conducting very important and much-used office hours, I listened in on the group sitting at the table next to me. For a while, they (verbally) bashed their parents for being too airheaded. One said her father only let her put Chevron gasoline in the car. Another said his mom had no idea what kind of gas to put in the car. He continued on by doing a very unflattering impression of his mother. Another mentioned that the first person's dad really had no way of knowing what kind of gas she put in the car. Someone mentioned that there was no difference between Chevron's gas and anyone else's. Yet another person (yes, it was a group of about six) said something along the lines of, "You're only supposed to put it in every two weeks or every month or something. You're not supposed to put it in every day."* Um, yeah. Who fills her tank every day? Let me extend my pity to that person, depends on what she's doing to use up all of that gas.

A bit later, one of the group had to leave. As soon as the door closed behind him, the volume of the conversation at the table dropped a notch. You know that conspiratorial tone people use when discussing someone else? Yeah, that's it. They began (verbally) bashing this friend, talking about how annoying he is and how much they couldn't stand him.

They seem like a great bunch of friends. True friends, you know. It almost made me wonder what people say about me when I leave, but I realized that I'd rather believe that it's all good. I have enough insecurities to deal with to worry about this. I hope, though, that the guy who left will find a group of friends who will accept him and care enough about him to treat him well both when he's present and when he's not.

The beginning of the conversation also made me think, "What will Pic be saying about Cardo and me when she's independent and omniscient?"

Okay, so I guess that's the end of the random stuff for today.


* That's what she said.**

** I had to say it. It's not something I say. It's from a show I don't watch. But, it felt appropriate. I miss Ms K, and it was a tribute to her.